Page 2 - EASL Recommendations on Treatment of Hepatitis C 2015 - Summary
P. 2
JULY 2015

EASL Recommendations on Treatment of Hepatitis C 2015



1. Diagnosis of acute and chronic hepatitis C
2. Screening for chronic hepatitis C
3. Goals and endpoints of HCV therapy
4. Pre-therapeutic assessment
5. Indications for treatment: who should be treated?
6. Drug-drug interactions
7. Treatment of chronic hepatitis C, including patients without cirrhosis and

patients with compensated (Child-Pugh A) cirrhosis
Treatment of HCV genotype 1 infection
Treatment of HCV genotype 2 infection
Treatment of HCV genotype 3 infection
Treatment of HCV genotype 4 infection
Treatment of HCV genotype 5 or 6 infection

8. Treatment monitoring
Monitoring of treatment efficacy
Stopping (futility) rules
Monitoring treatment safety
Monitoring drug-drug interactions

9. Measures to improve treatment adherence
10. Post-treatment follow-up of patients who achieve an SVR
11. Retreatment of non-sustained virological responders
12. Treatment of patients with severe liver disease

Patients with decompensated cirrhosis without an indication for liver
Patients with HCC without an indication for liver transplantation
Patients with an indication for liver transplantation
Post-liver transplantation recurrence
13. Treatment of special groups
HBV co-infection
Immune complex-mediated manifestations of chronic hepatitis C
Haemodialysis patients
Non-hepatic solid organ transplant recipients
Active drug addicts and patients on stable maintenance substitution
Bleeding disorders
14. Follow-up of untreated patients and of patients with treatment failure
15. Treatment of acute hepatitis C
16. Conflict of interest
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