Page 384 - Programme book for The International Liver Congress 2015, EASL ILC 2015
P. 384

SATURDAY, APRIL 25, 2015 07:30 – 08:30

Intercept Pharmaceuticals Lehar 1 & 2

Answering Pivotal Questions in the Diagnosis & Treatment of PBC and NASH

Michael Trauner, Austria
PBC and NASH: Serious Liver Diseases With Unmet Needs
Michael Trauner, Austria
PBC Challenges: What Is Treatment Success and What Will Emerging
Therapies Offer?
David Jones, The United Kingdom
NASH: Diagnostic Challenges, Therapeutic Targets, and New Paths to
Treatment Success
Vlad Ratziu, France

SATURDAY, APRIL 25, 2015 07:30 – 08:30
Norgine Strauss 3
Real World Evidence – does it really change Clinical Practice?

Sara Montagnese, Italy
Welcome and Objectives
Sara Montagnese, Italy
Setting up an in-patient database: Patients with cirrhosis-lessons learned from
Jasmohan S. Bajaj, The United States
Setting up an out-patient database: How out-patient data informed
improvement in care of patients with cirrhosis
Paolo Angeli, Italy
A new prospective observational study in Hepatic Encephalopathy: PROSPER
Aleksander Krag, Denmark
Q/A and Conclusions
Paolo Angeli, Italy, Jasmohan S. Bajaj, The United States, Aleksander Krag, Denmark,
Sara Montagnese, Italy

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