Page 14 - EASL Recommendations on Treatment of Hepatitis C 2015 - Full version
P. 14

Table 5. Treatment recommendations for HCV-monoinfected or HCV/HIV coinfected patients with chronic hepatitis C without cirrhosis, including treatment-naïve

patients and patients who failed on a treatment based on PegIFN-a and ribavirin (RBV).

Patients PegIFN-α, PegIFN-α, Sofosbuvir Sofosbuvir Ritonavir-boosted Ritonavir-boosted Sofosbuvir and Sofosbuvir and
RBV and RBV and and RBV and ledipasvir paritaprevir, ombit- paritaprevir, and simeprevir daclatasvir
sofosbuvir simeprevir
asvir and dasabuvir ombitasvir
12 wk (treat-
Genotype 1a ment-naïve or 12 wk with RBV
relapsers) or
12 wk 24 wk (partial 8-12 wk, No 12 wk without 12 wk without
Genotype 1b or null re-
sponders) without RBV 12 wk without RBV

Genotype 2 12 wk No 12 wk No No No No 12 wk without
24 wk No No RBV

Genotype 3 12 wk No No No No 12 wk without
12 wk RBV
Genotype 4 12 wk 12 wk (treat- No
ment-naïve or No 12 wk without 12 wk with RBV 12 wk without 12 wk without
Genotype 5 relapsers) or RBV RBV RBV
or 6 24 wk (partial
No 12 wk without No No 12 weeks
or null re- RBV without RBV


Table 6. Treatment recommendations for HCV-monoinfected or HCV/HIV coinfected patients with chronic hepatitis C with compensated (Child-Pugh A) cirrhosis,

including treatment-naïve patients and patients who failed on a treatment based on PegIFN-a and ribavirin (RBV).

Patients PegIFN-α, PegIFN-α, Sofosbuvir Sofosbuvir Ritonavir-boosted Ritonavir-boosted Sofosbuvir Sofosbuvir and
RBV and RBV and and RBV
Genotype sofosbuvir simeprevir and ledipasvir paritaprevir, ombit- paritaprevir, and and simeprevir daclatasvir
1a No
12 wk 12 wk (treat- 16-20 wk asvir and dasabuvir ombitasvir
Genotype ment-naïve or
1b 12 wk relapsers) or No 12 wk with 24 wk with RBV 12 wk with 12 wk with
12 wk 24 wk (partial No RBV, or 24 12 wk with RBV
Genotype wk without No RBV, or 24 wk RBV, or 24 wk
2 12 wk or null re- No RBV, or 24
sponders) wk with RBV without RBV without RBV
Genotype 12 wk if negative
3 No predictors of
Genotype No
4 No No No No 12 wk without
12 wk (treat- RBV
Genotype ment-naïve or
5 or 6 relapsers) or No No No No 24 wk with
24 wk (partial RBV

or null re- 12 wk with
RBV, or 24
wk without 12 wk with 12 wk with

RBV, or 24 No 24 wk with RBV RBV, or 24 wk RBV, or 24 wk
wk with RBV without RBV without RBV

if negative

predictors of


12 wk with No 12 wk with
RBV, or 24 No No RBV, or 24 wk
wk without
RBV, or 24 without RBV
wk with RBV
if negative
predictors of

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