Page 11 - Programme book for The International Liver Congress 2015, EASL ILC 2015
P. 11
Dear Colleague,
Welcome to The International Liver Congress™ 2015! We are delighted that you have
joined us at the Reed Messe Wien Congress & Exhibition Centre, Vienna, Austria to
celebrate the 50th annual meeting of the European Association for the Study of the Liver
(EASL). We are looking forward to celebrating 50 years of hepatology together over the
course of the coming days.
These are very exciting times for hepatology and for our society in particular. EASL was
founded 50 years ago as a society to promote and exchange science in the field of liver
diseases. Still today, this remains the most important task for our Association.We are happy
to witness the exciting data presented at The International Liver Congress™ (ILC) and to
be published in the Journal of Hepatology, which recently surpassed an impact factor of 10
and consequently ranks as one of the two premier Journals in the field of liver disease.
EASL strives to promote research through high level presentations at the ILC and through
educational activities EASL offers. This is highlighted by the enormous interest that the
educational activities generate at the annual congress – last year saw a record number of
over 10,800 delegates in London! Is it possible to exceed this number in 2015 to trump the
ILC record and mark our 50th celebration? Only time will tell.
We hope thatYoung Investigators, EASL members, and everyone involved in hepatology are
keen to celebrate this special moment and remarkable achievement.
The EASL Governing Board has been eagerly working on several new and ground-breaking
initiatives to lead hepatology education and research into the future and we will present
our ideas and projects to you in Vienna. Become part of the exciting developments in our
very fast moving field and join EASL. Take an active role in the most forward thinking and
dynamic hepatology community worldwide!
We look forward to greeting you at ILC 2015 in Austria.
Best regards,
Prof. Markus Peck-Radosavljevic Dr. Laurent Castera
Vienna, Austria • April 22–26, 2015 11
Dear Colleague,
Welcome to The International Liver Congress™ 2015! We are delighted that you have
joined us at the Reed Messe Wien Congress & Exhibition Centre, Vienna, Austria to
celebrate the 50th annual meeting of the European Association for the Study of the Liver
(EASL). We are looking forward to celebrating 50 years of hepatology together over the
course of the coming days.
These are very exciting times for hepatology and for our society in particular. EASL was
founded 50 years ago as a society to promote and exchange science in the field of liver
diseases. Still today, this remains the most important task for our Association.We are happy
to witness the exciting data presented at The International Liver Congress™ (ILC) and to
be published in the Journal of Hepatology, which recently surpassed an impact factor of 10
and consequently ranks as one of the two premier Journals in the field of liver disease.
EASL strives to promote research through high level presentations at the ILC and through
educational activities EASL offers. This is highlighted by the enormous interest that the
educational activities generate at the annual congress – last year saw a record number of
over 10,800 delegates in London! Is it possible to exceed this number in 2015 to trump the
ILC record and mark our 50th celebration? Only time will tell.
We hope thatYoung Investigators, EASL members, and everyone involved in hepatology are
keen to celebrate this special moment and remarkable achievement.
The EASL Governing Board has been eagerly working on several new and ground-breaking
initiatives to lead hepatology education and research into the future and we will present
our ideas and projects to you in Vienna. Become part of the exciting developments in our
very fast moving field and join EASL. Take an active role in the most forward thinking and
dynamic hepatology community worldwide!
We look forward to greeting you at ILC 2015 in Austria.
Best regards,
Prof. Markus Peck-Radosavljevic Dr. Laurent Castera
Vienna, Austria • April 22–26, 2015 11