Page 16 - Programme book for The International Liver Congress 2015, EASL ILC 2015
P. 16

The European Association for the Study for the Liver thanks all the abstract reviewers
for their time and effort and appreciates their contribution towards the success of The
International Liver Congress™ 2015:

Adams David, United Kingdom Feld Jordan, Canada
Akarca Ulus, Turkey Fernandez Javier, Spain
Albillos Agustin, Spain Fickert Peter, Austria
Andrade Raul Jesús, Spain Flisiak Robert, Poland
Andreone Pietro, Italy Forner Alejandro, Spain
Antoniades Harry, United Kingdom Francoz Claire, France
Barnes Ellie, United Kingdom Fraquelli Mirella, Italy
Bartosch Birke, France Friedrich-Rust Mireen, Germany
Baumert Thomas, France Fuhrmann Valentin, Austria
Bechmann Lars, Germany Garcia Pagan Juan Carlos, Spain
Berg Thomas, Germany Geier Andreas, Germany
Berzigotti Annalisa, Spain Germani Giacomo, Italy
Brown Ashley, United Kingdom Gheorghe Liliana, Romania
Bruno Savino, Italy Giannini Edoardo, Italy
Buti Maria, Spain Gschwantler Michael, Austria
Canbay Ali, Germany Hezode Christophe, France
Castro Rui, Portugal Hofer Harald, Austria
Chevaliez Stephane, France Isoniemi Helena, Finland
Colle Isabelle, Belgium Jaroszewicz Jerzy, Poland
Colnot Sabine, France Krag Aleksander, Denmark
Cornberg Markus, Germany La Mura Vincenzo, Italy
Crespo Gonzalo, Spain Lavanchy Daniel, Switzerland
Dahlke Marc, Germany Leroy Vincent, France
Dalgard Olav, Norway Levrero Massimo, Italy
Dalton Harry, United Kingdom Liberal Rodrigo, Portugal
D’Antiga Lorenzo, Italy Luedde Tom, Germany
De Francesco Raffaele, Italy Machado Mariana, Portugal
Dhawan Anil, United Kingdom Majno Pietro, Switzerland
Diepolder Helmut, Germany Mandorfer Mattias, Austria
Dooley Steven, Germany Mangia Alessandra, Italy
Durantel David, France Mann Jelena, United Kingdom
Eferl Robert, Austria Marra Fabio, Italy
Fagiuoli Stefano, Italy Martinez-Chantar Maria, Spain
Farinati Fabio, Italy Marzioni Marco, Italy

16 The International Liver Congress™ 2015 • ILC Programme
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