Page 367 - Programme book for The International Liver Congress 2015, EASL ILC 2015
P. 367
IMPORTANT NOTE: It is Provide clear labels and headings for TECHNICAL INFORMATION
mandatory that all oral presenters each section of your presentation to avoid
prepare a disclosure slide as the confusion.
second slide in their presentation Don’t stretch the images manually or
(after the title slide). If you have quality will be lost once zoomed in. PDF
nothing to disclose, this slide must is the preferred format, but images or PPT
be included indicating “nothing to files can also be used.
disclose”. ePoster ORAL PRESENTATIONS
Please refer to the Congress Information
POSTER PRESENTATIONS section for more details. Late Breakers
Only ePoster presentations will be will also be displayed in the ePoster area
on display at The International Liver during the same times.
Congress™ 2015.
ePoster FORMAT
It is mandatory to submit your poster file
for transformation into ePoster format. No
paper posters will be accepted.

Microsoft Powerpoint (PPT) is the ideal
format. Please use any of the templates
provided. PDF format is also accepted.

Landscape format is mandatory. It is
strongly recommended to use a size of
120cm wide x 90cm high, with a simple
and clear typeface (Arial, Arial black,
Calibri…) and regular text size no less than
28 for the body of the different sections.

Images, pictures and graphs – the
suggested resolution is 300 dpi. To check
that they appear correctly on the final
version, zoom in to 100% and check all
images, pictures and graphs. It is better to
use high quality images and graphs when
creating the poster.

Vienna, Austria • April 22–26, 2015
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