Page 370 - Programme book for The International Liver Congress 2015, EASL ILC 2015
P. 370
Austria’s climate is generally moderate and Taxi zones are located throughout the city
mild. Average spring temperatures range center. However, we recommend booking
from 15°C to 25°C. a taxi directly using one of the phone
numbers below:
CURRENCY & BANK/ATM Tel: +43 (0) 1 40 100
The currency used in Austria, is the Euro. Tel: +43 (0) 1 60 160
Banks and currency exchange offices are Tel: +43 (0) 1 31 300
located around the city, and bankomats
(ATMs) are available in the congress CONGRESS VENUE
venue and can be found in various places Reed Messe Wien Congress
throughout Vienna, including the train & Exhibition Center
stations and airport. Messeplatz 1, 1020 Wien, Austria
Messezentrum Vienna
INSURANCE 1021 Vienna, Austria
The congress organisers cannot accept Station Krieau
liability for personal injuries sustained, or Congress Entrance: Foyer D
for loss or damage of property belonging
to congress participants, either during, WI-FI INTERNET CONNECTION
or as a result of the meeting. Participants Wi-Fi connection will be available
are advised to take out their own personal throughout the congress center. We ask
liability, travel and health insurance. you to avoid downloading heavy files,
movies or music during the congress as it
LANGUAGE will affect other attendees.
The language spoken inVienna is German.
The official language of the congress is WI-FI
English. Simultaneous translation will not
be provided. NETWORK NAME: ILC 2015 FREE
No password or code required
Public transport
The International Liver Congress™ 2015
is to be held in the Reed Messe Wien
Congress & Exhibition Center. The venue
is easily accessible by bus, tramway or
metro Station Krieau.
370 The International Liver Congress™ 2015 • ILC Programme
Austria’s climate is generally moderate and Taxi zones are located throughout the city
mild. Average spring temperatures range center. However, we recommend booking
from 15°C to 25°C. a taxi directly using one of the phone
numbers below:
CURRENCY & BANK/ATM Tel: +43 (0) 1 40 100
The currency used in Austria, is the Euro. Tel: +43 (0) 1 60 160
Banks and currency exchange offices are Tel: +43 (0) 1 31 300
located around the city, and bankomats
(ATMs) are available in the congress CONGRESS VENUE
venue and can be found in various places Reed Messe Wien Congress
throughout Vienna, including the train & Exhibition Center
stations and airport. Messeplatz 1, 1020 Wien, Austria
Messezentrum Vienna
INSURANCE 1021 Vienna, Austria
The congress organisers cannot accept Station Krieau
liability for personal injuries sustained, or Congress Entrance: Foyer D
for loss or damage of property belonging
to congress participants, either during, WI-FI INTERNET CONNECTION
or as a result of the meeting. Participants Wi-Fi connection will be available
are advised to take out their own personal throughout the congress center. We ask
liability, travel and health insurance. you to avoid downloading heavy files,
movies or music during the congress as it
LANGUAGE will affect other attendees.
The language spoken inVienna is German.
The official language of the congress is WI-FI
English. Simultaneous translation will not
be provided. NETWORK NAME: ILC 2015 FREE
No password or code required
Public transport
The International Liver Congress™ 2015
is to be held in the Reed Messe Wien
Congress & Exhibition Center. The venue
is easily accessible by bus, tramway or
metro Station Krieau.
370 The International Liver Congress™ 2015 • ILC Programme