Page 371 - Programme book for The International Liver Congress 2015, EASL ILC 2015
P. 371
REGISTRATION Participants not wearing the ILC badge
The Congress venue will be accessible at will not be granted access past the
the same times as the registration area’s registration area.
opening hours:
Tuesday, April 21 16:00 - 20:00 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME
Wednesday, April 22 07:00 – 19:00 Please check the Scientific Programme
Thursday, April 23 06:30 – 19:00 Section for detailed information on all the
Friday, April 24 07:00 – 19:00 sessions.
Saturday, April 25 07:00 – 19:00
Sunday, April 26 07:00 – 13:30 Opening Ceremony & General Session 1
The Opening Ceremony and General
On-site registration, congress material pick Session 1 will take place in Hall D on
up, and badge pick up will be available in Thursday, April 23 at 13:30.
the registration area.
Early Morning Workshops
YOUNG INVESTIGATORS BURSARIES If you wish to participate, tickets may still
The payment of the YI bursaries will be be purchased at the registration desks for
processed from Friday, April 24, 2015 a fee of EUR 20 (+VAT 20%), availability
at 14:00 in the registration area at the permitting.
Registration Help Desk. Kindly note
that a passport, driving license or other ePoster area
recognized identification document will be A large ePoster area is located in the
requested to verify your identity. exhibition area in Hall B. All ePosters
including Late Breakers will be displayed
on screens during the following hours: GENERAL INFORMATION
BADGES Thursday, April 23 09:30 – 16:30
All participants and exhibitors are Friday, April 24 09:30 – 16:30
requested to wear their ILC badges in Saturday, April 25 09:30 – 16:30
order to be given access to the congress
venue, lecture halls and other scheduled Selected ePosters will be presented during
activities. Exhibitors are admitted in the the Lunch Break ePoster oral sessions:
exhibition area as well as the catering areas
but have no access to the lecture halls.
EUR 25 (+20% VAT) will be charged for Thursday, April 23 12:00 – 13:00
replacing a lost badge and for re-printing Friday, April 24 12:30 – 13:30
due to incorrect submission of names Saturday, April 25 13:00 – 14:00
and/or company name or addresses.
Vienna, Austria • April 22–26, 2015 371
The Congress venue will be accessible at will not be granted access past the
the same times as the registration area’s registration area.
opening hours:
Tuesday, April 21 16:00 - 20:00 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME
Wednesday, April 22 07:00 – 19:00 Please check the Scientific Programme
Thursday, April 23 06:30 – 19:00 Section for detailed information on all the
Friday, April 24 07:00 – 19:00 sessions.
Saturday, April 25 07:00 – 19:00
Sunday, April 26 07:00 – 13:30 Opening Ceremony & General Session 1
The Opening Ceremony and General
On-site registration, congress material pick Session 1 will take place in Hall D on
up, and badge pick up will be available in Thursday, April 23 at 13:30.
the registration area.
Early Morning Workshops
YOUNG INVESTIGATORS BURSARIES If you wish to participate, tickets may still
The payment of the YI bursaries will be be purchased at the registration desks for
processed from Friday, April 24, 2015 a fee of EUR 20 (+VAT 20%), availability
at 14:00 in the registration area at the permitting.
Registration Help Desk. Kindly note
that a passport, driving license or other ePoster area
recognized identification document will be A large ePoster area is located in the
requested to verify your identity. exhibition area in Hall B. All ePosters
including Late Breakers will be displayed
on screens during the following hours: GENERAL INFORMATION
BADGES Thursday, April 23 09:30 – 16:30
All participants and exhibitors are Friday, April 24 09:30 – 16:30
requested to wear their ILC badges in Saturday, April 25 09:30 – 16:30
order to be given access to the congress
venue, lecture halls and other scheduled Selected ePosters will be presented during
activities. Exhibitors are admitted in the the Lunch Break ePoster oral sessions:
exhibition area as well as the catering areas
but have no access to the lecture halls.
EUR 25 (+20% VAT) will be charged for Thursday, April 23 12:00 – 13:00
replacing a lost badge and for re-printing Friday, April 24 12:30 – 13:30
due to incorrect submission of names Saturday, April 25 13:00 – 14:00
and/or company name or addresses.
Vienna, Austria • April 22–26, 2015 371